GHD StoryBook – Faces and Morphs for Sakura 8

GHD StoryBook – Faces and Morphs for Sakura 8

GHD StoryBook – Faces and Morphs for Sakura 8

GHD StoryBook is a big set of morphs and presets for Sakura 8. The set contains partial head morphs, few physique morphs, face morph presets, character presets, three new smile open morphs and some bonus eyeliner and lip fashion choices.

The character presets had been created with separate eyes, eyebrows, nostril, lips and face presets so you possibly can create your individual characters with the person morphs or presets.

The characters even have materials choices. There are not any new pores and skin textures on this set, these are solely completely different mixtures of the unique Sakura 8 supplies. However they use the brand new eyeliners and lips colours. See the promo photos for extra.

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