dForce Wise Wizard HD Clothes for Genesis 8 Male(s)


Wise Wizard HD Clothes is a complete, finely sculpted and fully textured clothing and props set for Genesis 8 Male(s)

This set includes breathtaking Iray shaders simulating actual, physically based materials (PBR). The Wise Wizard collection produces stunning renders using any kind of light. The set includes all the maps you need for your renders: from diffuse to hyper-detailed normal maps.

The geometries are very optimized, and you can get good rendering results with low subdivision levels (even with no SubD at all!) or you can unleash all the power of the Wise Wizard thanks to its HD morphs, developed at level 3 of SubD, and run realistic cloth simulations, because Wise Wizard is designed to unleash the power of dForce!

Additionally, Wise Wizard HD Clothes is fully compatible with the Wise Wizard Character set and 9 additional characters and body shapes.

客服QQ:258371245 统一解压密码:www.dazstudio.cn
早期部分资源解压密码:www.chuanshi.me 下载页面如果提示“登陆中”,请切换至http://daz.lianghuadashi.com


  1. 全都要付费么
    hins_017 2018-05-30 0
  2. 是人物 不是衣服
    tc5076 2021-09-07 0
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